We had a wonderful reading time today. The reading candle was burning and we were sitting outside. The temperature was comfortable and a light breeze was blowing. It was very relaxing.
I started the book "On My Honor" by Marion Dane Bauer. Aria was so interested in what was going to happen to the charater, Tony, that she had me read six chapters. The boys played in the sandbox while we were reading and Casey came over a couple of times. He seemed especially interested when I read a description of one the characters flying down a hill on his bicycle. The author described it very vividly. I was totally caught up in it, too.
We made a spider web craft after storytime. Aria burned herself on the hot glue gun so it wasn't very fun for her. Casey accidently threw his web/throwing star up on the roof. The craft itself sounded good, but it didn't turn out to be very easy or aestically pleasing, in my opinion. Oh, well they can't all be winners.
I set Aria up on her very own blog. I was amazed at how much she typed in comparison to how much she will physically write. I think there may be a motor skill issue which keeps her from writing. I will need to work with her on sentence structure and grammar, but she's good at spelling. Her vocabulary will improve with reading. I'm hoping she will begin reading other homeschool children's blogs.
This blog will really be beneficial in many ways. It will allow her to express some of her feelings about homeschool that she may not be able to verbalize. It will allow her to practice her writing skills. It will clue me in to possible issues and problems she may not be voicing. She can see that there are other homeschoolers out there and we are not alone. She may even make a friend or two. She can read examples of good writing and hopefully absorb a bit of that. I'm excited about it.
Lastly, we reviewed our math worksheet. Casey moved on to the next set of three facts. We played a game with the 100 chart where we roll a die and add the result to the numbered square our playing piece is on. If you answer correctly, without counting the squares, you get to move one extra square. I found this game on this wonderful blog: http://letsplaymath.wordpress.com/2008/09/22/things-to-do-hundred-chart/
Very good job by everyone today. :)
Ho hum. I'm feeling a bit lazy reading all the good things you guys did today. My ladies are acting anything but this week and I'm needing a massive mommy de-schooling wine infusion. (sigh) There are days and days, aren't there?
Here's to a better day tomorrow and a fabulous day for you guys! (cheers) ;-P
It is the best thing in the world when you find a book you all can agree on. I remember what a big deal it was when my boys actually wanted to sit for something other than a picture book, so we delved into books like Captain Underpants and The Magic Treehouse. It always makes me giggle when I get caught up in them just as much as the kids...and very cool idea about the new blog. My kids aren't quite old enough for that yet, but I think it would be a good experience when they are!
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