Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We're sick

We haven't been this sick in a long time. Everyone in the house has taken a turn coughing, running a fever, vomiting, and blowing their nose, except, for Ronnie. I was worried for the baby. His fever was really high, but he's much better today. He's so much better, in fact, he's throwing things at us, stepping on our lunch, and just causing general disruption.

I can't wait to get back to normal. We're planning on meeting with some of our group next Friday. Hopefully the weather will be nice for us. We also have plans to take a tour of the inner workings of the movie theater. I am hoping that we will have many more of these types of outings.

My current goals for me and children are just try new things. I want to craft, experiment, and see new things.

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