The weather as been so beautiful these past few days. We have tried to take advantage of it by being outside quite a lot. Yesterday we had a bit of an abbreviated day, but we still accomplished some good work. We read our story, Red Leaf Yellow Leaf, outside around the table. We talked about planting our own tree. It was nice to be outside with the kiddos.
Then we played some more math basketball, which the kids love. I just would like to see them committing some of the problems to memory. I'm going to have to figure out a more systematic way to study these equations so that they remember them. Maybe I'll start some fact family work with them.
Then they played on Funbrain. Aria wasn't so much into doing any kind of work yesterday, but I still managed to encourage her to get something done. I think that Mondays are going to turn out to be a little tougher in terms of attitude and work ethic.
Then last night Ronnie, Chris, Aria and I sat around a campfire and drummed. Aria has a real aptitude for drumming. She can readily hear the beats and adds her own into the mix with pretty good skill. I'd like to see her work more with rhythms, maybe she'll find that drumming is her forte. She can have that in common with her Daddy.
I've had a few moments in the last two days where I have stepped back and looked at an experience we are having and I am thankful for it. Drumming with my girl, walking with my kids, talking to them about nature, seeing them enjoy roasting marshmallows and playing at the park in the dark. This is a far better life then one where I go to work everyday and they go to school everyday. We would not have the quality or quantity of experience we have now.
Today, was even better then yesterday, although, I am still getting resistance from Aria. We again read outside. This time a poem called Ten Tall Oak Trees. We talked about what it would be like without trees. I explained they were important because they provide oxygen, help other plants to grow, Aria said they provide shade, and I said we would miss being able to climb and swing on them.
We then had a very nice, long walk. We collected leaves, rocks, sticks, acorns and plants. Then we created leaf collages on paper for Grandpa Braun, who is having a knee replacement today. Aria wasn't too into this craft and was having difficulty mustering enough motivation to work today. So we talked about what craft she would like to do. I tried getting her to color a geometrical design, but there was no enthusiasm there either. I asked her to think about how much she enjoys looking back at the get well cards she received from her class in third grade. I asked her to think about doing something for Grandpa that will make him feel like those make her feel. She made him a very nice card with a poem on the back. She really did a sweet and thoughtful card.
They are now playing on a new educational website we found and they are having a really good time with them. Casey's learning about optics and Aria's pretending to go through a whole day of school with all the different classes. When I told her she could be done at three she said, "Awww, I'm having fun with this." I told her she could play that site as much as she wanted.
These are really great days.
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