Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Calm Down

Yesterday we took a lazy day. This morning we got a late start, but we did eventually get to read and play a few 'educational' computer games. We made lemon bars together and did a few flashcards.

Then I screwed up. Aria and Casey have been in a hurry to get through our routine since Monday and I guess it's offending me 'cause I'm not pushing very hard. I'm trying to make it fun. I had a long conversation/lecture with Aria. I found out that she thinks learning is stupid. I think she really believes that too. But it's not the learning she doesn't like it's the working. We are all incredibly lazy in my house.

I don't know why I let her opinions offend me like I do. I don't know why I can't step away from this child and be more objective in my responses. I mean why did I have to take her comments so personally? She thinks working hard for something is stupid. Do I get upset because I'm scared for her? Do I get upset because I feel like her lack of education will be a reflection on me and my ability to teach my children? Why can't I just let those comments go and subtly show her the way?

Well, I don't know exactly why, but I have to learn to do it. I am not helping my child or our relationship by going on and on about how she's wrong to think the way she does or by getting angry at her. I can show her what it means to work hard by setting a good example first. I can challenge her and help her to push herself. I have to let the anger and fear go. It's her life not mine.

So Calm Down!

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