Lets see, we've been busy people this past few days. Friday we meet some new homeschooled friends. I've been trying to find Aria some gal pals her own age. I'd like her to have friends of varying backgrounds so she doesn't have just one peer set helping her make up her mind about everything. We meet several girls her age this weekend and I made some new friends, too.

We met our new friends at their home on Friday and then Saturday attended a bbq at the park. Sunday we visited with old friends at their house and today we had another old friend over to play. So four days of socializing and running around has left me feeling a little like I've been too close to a fast moving train, but strangely energized.
Hopefully, we'll get back to some academics tomorrow. We need the support, though, of others like ourselves. So, our visits were definitely needed and welcome. We are scheduled to go camping after Thanksgiving with our new friends. So, the fun's not over yet.
We are very excited over our new camera. It can do videos, too. So, we can upload our science experiments and Aria can upload her singing. We can say hi to everyone every day. :)

Nice pics!
It's so nice to have buddies out in the HSing world, isn't it?
Yes, it is a necessity and a privilege to have other home schooling friends. I need the encouragement and the kids need the playmates.
We've have meet all our friends, but one, through the Internet. This darn thing is indispensible to me.
I am hoping when we move back up there to MN we will find as much support.
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