Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We had taken last week off of school so the DH and I could do a MAJOR junk purge. Now that we are mostly finished with that huge job we can get back to that thar edumacatin' stuff.

We got back into the swing of things today with our traditional morning reading. I set the mood with the reading candle. And I don't believe that I heard any whining about doing school today. They seemed ready to get back to it.

After reading we verbally reviewed our math facts and then played a game online practicing counting by fives. Both children understand the concept and are proficient at counting by fives.

Then Casey played on Starfall.com with the 'th' digraph and also with 'ee' words. Then we did a little verbal playing with the 'th' sound by filling in the missing word. For example, "During what holiday do we eat Turkey?" I, also, gave him a couple of words with 'th' in them and asked him was the 'th' sound at the beginning, middle or end.

Aria played a game online that practiced noun and verb identification. The goal was to 'recycle' the trash into the correct bin. If the trash had a noun on it then it went in the 'Noun' can and the verbs went in the 'Verb' can. I helped her a bit and then she understood much better. I think we could adapt this game to a real life recycling game.

It was a good first day back. Now I've just got to go get all this garage sale junk marked and clean the house and prepare for school the rest of the week and figure out what we're gonna eat for the rest of the week.

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